Saturday 9 February 2013

pallet furniture

Have you ever wondered what happens to all those old wooden pallets that you see lying around?

Some are returned to the company that supplied them, but most of them unfortunately, are thrown away or used as fire wood!

I've been thinking lately about how I could reuse and recycle the old wooden pallets into functional furniture pieces... and it has started me off on my latest research project..... to see if others were thinking like me..... 

......and they are - I am pleased to say!!

Some of the designs I have found are truly inspiring - there are some really talented people around who have successfully modified pallets into beautiful unique designs.....


  1. I like to see that some pallets are being reused. The texture of the rough timber and often the colours work well together.

  2. I adore pallets and since seeing a few people doing this have been eyeing off all of the discarded ones on the side of the road - with a carpenter hubby and my eye for design I think it is a definite on the list to do! Do you have some pictures of the ones you are doing? Or are some of these your work? Love to see a process, how people have created the pieces :-) Helen
