Saturday 2 February 2013

vertical gardens

On my last post I discussed out door rooms and how they are a fantastic addition to any home to give quality to the experience out door living

Another new trend which will also enhance the out door room is the addition of a Vertical garden also known as "Green walls" or "Garden walls"

Vertical gardens are simply what most of us are used to seeing on the ground [horizontal plane] and placing it directly at eye level on a wall or vertical surface [vertical plane] 

Plants have now become works of art! - a living sculpture that softens all those hard surfaces and edges that we usually see in a typical wall

Vertical gardens are excellent for out door rooms and exterior designs, but they can be successfully incorporated into any interior design, with the added benefit of purifying the indoor air 

Below is a selection of images showing how vertical gardens can be used in a variety of settings from large scale offices, to small scale apartment living

                         Used here to soften the transition between interior
                                    & exterior & also makes a great feature wall for outdoor dining  

Green TV surround

Selective plantings and colours creates patterns

Very impressive interior feature wall!!

Public space artwork - a living sculpture

A nice relaxing spot to sit

Beautifully detailed recessed vertical garden with timber slats

A living canvas

Office building foyer

Complimentary combination of timber and plants

1 comment:

  1. Love a good green wall, and especially the combinations of timber cladding/green walls. Natures contrasting textures complimenting each other so well.
